Amenorrhea and Infertility: A Novel Patient-Centered Treatment Approach

Even after someone has recovered from an eating disorder, they are often surprised to find there is still work to be done. A symptom that highlights the need for more effort to attain true recovery is the absence of a monthly period (a bleed from birth control doesn’t count). Often the desire to restore periods comes when a woman wants to get pregnant, although there are other excellent reasons to continue to work on body image, food fears, and exercise addiction.

What do iPhones and HAES have in common? The art and science of disseminating weight-neutral practices

From Health Not Diets | Author and creator of the Non-Diet Approach Guidebook for Dietitians. Weight neutral practice approaches which center size acceptance, like Health at Every Size and the Non-Diet Approach, represent a key innovation in health practice given the ubiquitous backdrop of ‘anti-obesity’ sentiment in the provision of healthcare today. The adoption of these approaches so far has been driven by peer-to-peer communication as few professional authorities have yet to openly endorse or encourage weight neutral practice.

5 Keys to a Stellar First Appointment

First impressions aren’t everything but they do mean an awful lot! In this information-packed session, Marci will outline her top 5 keys to prepare you for a strong initial assessment: organizing your paperwork, setting the stage for a great relationship, key questions and how to ask them, establishing a treatment plan, and setting up the next appointment. Marci will share with you the handouts, techniques, and language she uses in her own practice to help you grow your own style and confidence as a nutrition counselor.

Eating Disorders During Pregnancy and Postpartum

First impressions aren’t everything but they do mean an awful lot! In this information-packed session, Marci will outline her top 5 keys to prepare you for a strong initial assessment: organizing your paperwork, setting the stage for a great relationship, key questions and how to ask them, establishing a treatment plan, and setting up the next appointment. Marci will share with you the handouts, techniques, and language she uses in her own practice to help you grow your own style and confidence as a nutrition counselor.

The Dangers of Dieting

This webinar covers the documented health risks of dieting and diet culture including the psychological and sociological impacts from weight stigma, problems faced by chronic dieters, the Diet Double Standard, health at Every Size and Non-Diet approaches, models and research, and answering questions about HAES and weight loss