Our latest Member Spotlight is on Lisa Pearl, MS, RDN, CEDRD, CEDS.
Website: www.cnc360.com
Where can we find you on social media?
Facebook: Counseling and Nutrition Center 360 or CNC360 Twitter: @mindfulnuts Instagram: @mindfulnuts
What is your profession?
I am a nutrition therapist specializing in the treatment of eating disorders. I have been practicing HAES, mindfulness, and intuitive eating since 1984. My credentials include MS, RDN, CEDRD, CEDS, as well as graduate certificates from the Massachusetts School of Professional Psychology in coaching and movement therapy. I am the co-director of a new internship and graduate program at Simmons College in Boston to train dietitians (and eventually social workers) in the treatment of eating disorders. I am also a black belt teacher in the mindful movement practice called Nia.
Where do you work?
I own a group practice called the Counseling and Nutrition Center 360 (CNC360) with offices in Lexington and Concord, Massachusetts. We have psychotherapists and dietitians who specialize in treating all forms of disordered eating. Beyond our traditional clinical services we have a home-based meal support program, virtual group support, and consultation services for clients and/or providers. We also provide individual and group supervision services for other professionals in our local offices as well as virtually.
What do you enjoy most about what you do?
You would think that after 35 years of being in this field that I would be ready to move on but I am still totally engaged in what I do! I love that the field is constantly evolving!
It is a thrill to continually push the envelope of innovation and drive up the recovery statistics with new developments across disciplines. I love that the length of my professional career has given me a deep well of experiences and knowledge from which I can draw on for clients to attain recovery. It is also a joy and a privilege for me to share my years of training and experience with students and other clinicians.
Why eating disorders treatment? What drives you?
I think I am driven by connection and relationship. The connections we are able to make through relationships that bring trust, new behaviors and the integration of health. I may use different therapeutic modalities (ACT, CBT, IFS, etc…) in coordination with the psychotherapist but ultimately my clients have taught me that it is the strength of the relationship that allows them to step into the work of recovery.
Who are your favorite social media influencers in the non-diet, recovery, body liberation space?
Two of my favorite people in the world are Christy Harrison and Marci Evans. I have known them since before they began to sparkle the world with their social media presence. I am in awe of what they have accomplished! I also find myself sending clients to Anna Sweeney for shots of inspiration. There are so many now, I have a long list that I pass out to clients and encourage them to take a look. Social media is making an important difference in body image recovery and the HAES movement.
What is/are your favorite book/s or resources that have made a difference in the way you work?
Oh boy, this is a tough one. Because there are too many professional texts to list, I’m going to stick with the books I use most often with clients. Even then there are many books that I use for different reasons. However, Anita Johnston’s Eating in the Light of the Moon and Sensing the Self by Sheila Reindl have historically been favorites. Copies of Linda Bacon’s Body Respect as well as the Intuitive Eating books by Tribole and Resch are constantly pulled off my book shelves for clients. And Heidi Schauster’s book, Nourish, is a wonderful new resource.
What is one non-diet, Intuitive Eating, or Health at Every SIze pearl of wisdom you’d like to share?
If we are serious about reducing the incidence of eating disorders, then the HAES principles must be a part of prevention efforts as well as training for all healthcare practitioners.
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