Unlock More Knowledge with EduClips

Free, bite-sized video trainings produced in collaboration with the Eating Disorder Community

Welcome to EduClips, your go-to resource for concise, trustworthy educational videos on eating disorders for providers including dietitians, therapists, and medical professionals.

At EDRD Pro, we are committed to enhancing your understanding and skills in this critical field, whether you’re a professional, student, or anyone interested in eating disorder awareness and recovery.


Our EduClips library is designed to offer you valuable insights in short, manageable segments.

Each clip addresses key topics in the realm of eating disorders, from early signs and symptoms to therapeutic approaches and recovery strategies.

Created by experts and thought leaders in the field, these videos are not only informative but also accessible, ensuring you receive the most relevant and up-to-date information.

Dive into our diverse collection today and empower yourself with the knowledge that can make a difference.

EduClips is more than just an educational resource—it’s a community dedicated to fostering understanding and promoting health.

Join us as we aim to be a part of the solution in the fight against eating disorders.

EduClips! Library

  • What are Food Exposures? Exposure and Response Prevention in Challenging Food Fears
  • Building Confidence When Working With Body Image: Where to start and how to navigate body image with your client
  • Las Incongruencias de la Cultura de Dietas

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