February 17, 2020

We are excited to introduce you to EDRDpro member Kelly Houston, MS, RDN, LD, CLC! Connect with Kelly on Facebook or at www.rdnmama.com

If you didn’t do what you do professionally, what other job or field would you have pursued, and why?

I would probably be a pharmacist. I like chemistry and even worked at a pharmacy through college.

Just for fun, tell us something most people don’t know about you!

I am super competitive at board games!

Where do you work?

I work in an OB/GYN office. I help women who have been diagnosed with gestational diabetes in terms of checking their blood sugars, balancing their plates, and using insulin (if needed). I see patients from the OB/GYN office and outside clients as a dietitian.  I provide lactation services and baby-led weaning workshops, as well.

What do you enjoy most about what you do?

I want people to enjoy food as much as I do! I love when I can see a client’s relief that they don’t need to worry about food so much. And when they start to see the world of food open up – that starving themselves and feeling constant guilt with food will not help them live their best life.

I have a box of tissues in my office. I’d say they get used more often than not during a session – especially with new patients. They feel such relief when I tell them they are not alone. “Nutrition” is never just about food. Sharing what and how we eat is such a vulnerable space to be in. I feel many clients think they are the only ones struggling in this way. For them to see that it’s not just them and that it is possible to start to feel more comfortable around and confident with food is such a great feeling!

Why eating disorders treatment? What drives you?

I don’t only (or even primarily) see eating disorder patients. But, so many women, in general, have disordered eating habits. I don’t want my daughter (or sons, for that matter) growing up with a mindset that food is in any way bad or harmful. I want them to feel fueled and nourished so they have the energy to live their best life.

Who are your favorite social media influencers in the non-diet, recovery, body liberation space?

Nicole Cruz, Maria Paredes, Julie Duffy Dillon, and Rebecca Scritchfield are at the top of my list. There are so many others with such great messages!

What are your favorite books that have made a difference in the way you work?

Of course, Intuitive Eating. I love Body Kindness by Rebecca Scritchfield. I have so many in my to-read stack!

What is one non-diet, Intuitive Eating, or Health at Every Size® pearl of wisdom you’d like to share?

Everyone has a reason why they eat the way they eat – their own story. Our job is not to take over writing the story, but to listen to the story.

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