Meet EDRD Pro member Britta Beblavi, RDN, LD, CD, CIEC (she/her) of Grow Well Nutrition! Outside of all things related to delicious food, Britta enjoys music, yoga, naps, and being outdoors in the Colorado sunshine.
Keep reading to learn more about Britta and her amazing work!
What’s your favorite meal?
So hard to choose! But I would probably say my favorite would be something Italian… caprese, pasta, risotto, Napoletana pizza, gelato…
If you could have dinner with anyone, who would it be, and why?
Honestly, my younger self. I’d want to offer her age + time gained perspective on the things she worried so much about and give her a chance to talk about the things she thought about and was passionate about that no one asked about.
What is a piece of career advice that you would share with someone starting off in the eating disorder field?
Be hungry for knowledge and experiences. Look for ways to gain more perspective or insight by taking trainings on specific topics within eating disorder care, work at different levels of care or within different organizations to broaden your insight, and ask questions to see things from a different light. But also, don’t feel like you have to say yes to everything! Prioritize work-life balance: this field carries a high emotional burden for providers if you don’t have ways to process what you’re seeing.
What’s something that’s brought you joy recently?
Early summer mornings and late summer nights.
What’s something you’ve learned recently?
Learning to be empathetic and caring, while holding firm boundaries!
Why eating disorder treatment? What drives you to do this work?
Because I love getting to walk alongside clients as they face these challenges and choose to do something differently, despite how scary it feels in that moment. And I love seeing them find their freedom again, big or small, and however that looks for them.
Do you have specific areas of interest or special populations with whom you work?
Athletes, pre and postnatal care, family nutrition (fostering intuitive eating in kids, creating safe environments to explore food, decreasing battles at dinner, etc).
What’s your favorite part about being involved in EDRD Pro?
The wide range of topics covered. You always seem to offer a topic that has been coming up a lot in practice and I want more information on! I love that the talks are also available on your own timelines.
What projects, products, or services do you offer that you want to share with our audience?
I offer individual nutrition counseling from a weight-neutral, non-diet, and Intuitive Eating-based lens. Depending on what a client needs or is looking for, we may utilize activities like grocery shopping, food exposures, meal support, or body image work. I provide individualized care from a warm and compassionate place, with lots of encouragement for the individual and boundaries for the eating disorder!
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