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River Oak Health


Our expertise in the services we offer is supported by over 20 years of clinical experience in working with children, adolescents and adults in the community and hospital settings. The River Oak Health team specialize in the treatment of eating disorders, weight and body image concerns, sports nutrition and pediatric nutrition. We also offer supervision and training for health practitioners and facilitate various nutritional workshops.


Anorexia Nervosa - Bulimia Nervosa - Binge Eating Disorder - OSFED - ARFID

At River Oak we collaborate with other health practitioners to offer a multi-disciplinary and holistic approach to treatment. Our team specialize in the treatment of Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, Binge Eating Disorder, Disordered Eating, Avoidance and Restrictive Food Intake Disorders (ARFID) and Other Specific Feeding and Eating Disorders (OSFED). Our nutritional rehabilitation program draws from world leading treatment models, including; Enhanced Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT‐E), Maudsley Family Based Treatment (FBT), Specialist Supportive Clinical Management (SSCM) and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT).

Shane Jeffrey, River Oak’s Founder and Clinical Director, is a leading Dietitian in the area of eating disorders with over 25 years’ experience in this space. Shane has developed internationally recognized frameworks such as the RAVES™ Eating Model. With over 10 years of real-world application, RAVES has been adopted by dietitians, psychologists, general practitioners and psychiatrists to establish regular and adequate eating to reverse consequences of malnutrition, and then supports individuals to improve variety, participate in social eating and establish flexible eating practices that are right for the individual.


Emotional Eating - Yo-yo Dieting - Fussy Eating - Orthorexia

We work with you to pursue health over weight-loss, develop your taste preferences and most importantly support a healthy and happy relationship with food. It is common to repeat what we don't repair, hence why treatment may require some 'unlearning' of diet culture and rebuilding of evidence-based nutritional knowledge. Moreover, learning to reconnect and honor your body's hunger cues and nutritional needs can help break free of diet cycles and emotional connections to food. By being more intuitive with your body, you allow yourself to enjoy each day free of any food rules.

At River Oak Health, we adopt a non-diet approach in all of our work and practice from a Body Acceptance and Health At Every Size® framework. Using this approach allows for our primary focus to be on health and well-being rather than weight, numbers and body size. Our team have extensive experience treating individuals with emotional eating, yo-yo dieting, fussy eating and orthorexia.


Disordered eating in athletes - Sports performance for elite & recreational athletes

Shane Jeffrey is an Accredited Sports Dietitian’s, which is considered the ‘gold standard’ accreditation for sports nutrition in Australia. We work with elite and recreational athletes across all sporting types, including; tennis, figure skating, cricket, swimming, rowing and more. As Sports Dietitians we develop performance-based nutrition programs tailored to individual energy requirements, taste preferences and sporting goals. We are here to help take your performance to the next level while ensuring your diet is nutritionally adequate and hydrating practices are optimal.

At River Oak Health, we also work with athletes to overcome disordered eating practices. The pressure athletes face regarding performance and emphasis on body weight can lead to an increased risk of developing eating disorders and negative body image. Notably, female athletes with eating disorders are at a high risk of developing amenorrhea and osteoporosis - both conditions are serious medical concerns. With that being said, eating disorders do not discriminate and can most certainly affect any sex, age or athlete. Early intervention is critical in eating disorder recovery, hence why it is imperative athletes, coaches and other health practitioners reach out to our team when needed.


Feeding therapy - Fussy eating - Food allergies & intolerance - Poor growth - Gastrointestinal disorders & coeliac disease

Working with children requires a little something extra, especially when it comes time to food. The conditions that affect feeding, nutrition and growth in children are unique and can have long term implications on physical and mental health, including their relationships with food. We take pride at River Oak Health on working with you and your family to develop treatment plans that are inclusive, collaborative and evidence based (informed by research). Practicality with kids is key, so we want to teach you the skills to manage your child’s nutrition in a way that works for you in your own home. We specialize in the treatment of poor growth, fussy or picky eating, gastrointestinal disorders, food allergies and intolerance, and pediatric disordered eating. With extra training and experience in paediatric nutrition conditions, we are ready to help take the guess work out of your feeding concerns and make meal times enjoyable for everyone.

Main Location

1/524 Milton Rd, Toowong QLD 4066, Australia
1/524 Milton Rd, Toowong QLD 4066, Australia

Contact Information
