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Rooted Recovery, LLC


Julia Oliver, RD, LDN, RYT and Bailey Saneman, RD LDN of Rooted Recovery provide weight inclusive, trauma-informed care that is grounded in the Health at Every Size® (HAES) movement and aligned with the principles of Intuitive Eating. These clinicians are passionate about guiding clients to shed the damaging diet mentality and learn how their well-being does not have to come by manipulating body size and at the expense of mental health.

Services Include:

  • Virtual nutrition counseling for individuals recovering from eating disorders/disordered eating
  • On-demand and livestream yoga and meditation classes for individuals in recovery
  • Nutrition experiential sessions (restaurant outings, meal support, grocery shopping support, etc.) for individuals recovering from eating disorders in Montgomery County, MD and surrounding areas"

Main Location

Rockville, MD, USA

Contact Information

