If you are looking for a stellar naturopathic doctor and just so happen to live in the Portland area, then you’re in luck because the member we’re featuring this week fits the bill! As an ND, a nutritionist, and an educator offering HAES-aligned care, Dr. White incorporates mindfulness and compassion in her practice than rigid rules. She holds masters degrees in both food science and human nutrition and encourages patients to tune in to their body’s natural power to heal. Read on to learn more about Wendy and her approach to health care. For details and how to contact her, visit her website. We are grateful for her active presence in the EDRDpro Community!
Where do you work?
I spend 3 days per week seeing patients at my office at Portland Natural Health, one day per week teaching and offering a Diabetes Prevention Program at National University of Natural Medicine (NUNM) and the rest of the week reading, learning, blogging, playing, etc.
What do you enjoy most about what you do?
I encourage each patient to tune in to and activate their body’s natural power to rebalance and heal itself. I love the ‘aha’ moments when patients realize that they can see themselves differently – see that their bodies are set-up for balance –, take away the blame, guilt, and shame and work towards confidence, trust, and love. It’s great to encourage empowerment, choice, and respect – sometimes for the first time in their lives!
Why eating disorders treatment? What drives you?
Our culture is not supportive of healthy food relationships and, yet, that very relationship is such a huge part of what nourishes us (or not). I have always focused on food and lifestyle with my patients in a flexible way; working with people who have more disordered eating patterns is just an extension of that.
What is/are your favorite book/s or resource that have made a difference in the way you work?
Health at Every Size and Body Respect, of course; The Center for Mindful Eating, and The Body is Not an Apology
What is one non-diet, Intuitive Eating, or Health at Every Size® pearl of wisdom you’d like to share?
I encourage everyone (family, friends, patients, students…) to have faith in their own body! I don’t set up highly restrictive rules; I find that guidelines for mindfulness and compassion are more supportive. Somatic meditation practice is a fabulous tool for connecting to one’s own intuition, i.e. innate body wisdom.
You can follow Dr. White on Facebook and Instagram.
Coming up! Keep your eyes peeled for a new twist on our member spotlights, as we’ll soon be connecting you to brilliant change-makers in the field: Advocates, Activists, and Allies!
Learn more about the upcoming 2019 EDRDpro Symposium happening online, March 1st-4th. All professionals interested in advancing skills for eating disorder treatment are welcome.
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