Balance Nutrition Counseling, PLLC
Balance Nutrition Counseling is a group dietetic practice located in Nashville, TN. The practice was founded by Melissa Giovanni MS, RDN, LDN, CEDS. The dietitian nutritionists at Balance Nutrition Counseling believe everyone deserves a healthy relationship with food. We take a non-diet, health at every size, balanced approach to nutrition and wellness. Our process is based on proven, scientific information, not the trending fads of the week. We understand that what and how you eat can be a very personal and vulnerable experience. Therefore, we tailor our support to each client’s individual needs. We recognize that nutrition is only one part of a persons overall wellness. We work closely with a multidisciplinary team of therapists, doctors, and other providers to ensure the best, well-rounded care for our clients. We specialize in treating all eating disorders including adolescents and adults in an outpatient setting.