Irene Markulik, The Rebel Dietitian LLC
I’m an anti-diet dietitian helping my clients understand the truth behind diet & wellness culture, why it’s keeping them stuck, and how to escape it so they can stop food & body image thoughts from taking over their minds 24/7.
Growing up in the height of diet culture & continuing to fall for it as it morphed into wellness culture, I was destined to hate my body, constantly try to control and change it, and never ever find it (or myself) good enough.
Now, I’m passionate about helping others, like me, who sense deep down that there must be a better way; who are tired of food, diets, and self-deprecating thoughts hijacking their minds but aren’t sure what that looks like or how to change.
As a Mom, I know the importance of healing myself from diet culture so that I can raise my kids in an environment where they are informed, self-aware and set up with the proper foundation to prevent dealing with the same struggles I did. I am passionate about helping our generation heal, so that we can make an impact on the generations after us.