We are so pleased to introduce you another EDRDpro Member. This person is an incredible dietitian who has a bug for the entrepreneurial life. Hannah Turnbull, RDN is the owner of Nourished With Hannah, a blossoming private practice located in Denver, Colorado. Hannah supports clients in her practice who have eating disorders or struggle with disordered eating, all from an Intuitive Eating and Health at Every Size™ lens. We took a closer look to find out more about this special dietitian in Denver and discover a bit of what makes Hannah such a passionate clinician. Read along and see what is the best decision she’s ever made career-wise and what she enjoys most about being a non-diet RD. We’re currently thanking Hannah for some great Instagram accounts to be sure to follow (see below) for more social justice, sex and body liberation goodness – check it all out:
If you didn’t do what you do professionally, what other job or field would you have pursued, and why?
I would definitely own an ice cream shop or some other kind of dessert shop; this summer I helped (and still am helping!) manage a mom and pop ice cream shop while I grew my private practice and it was incredibly fun! I have a strong entrepreneurial spirit and providing people with a positive eating experience while running a business sounds very desirable to me. Plus, free ice cream daily-it’s very ideal.
Just for fun, tell us something most people don’t know about you!
Awh dang! My ice cream shop experience was my fun thing; hmm- A lot of people don’t know I was born in England but have lived in the US my entire life. I used to go back every summer as a kid. Most of my family still lives over there so I try to go back every few years and see them, and this summer I went to London for the first time (which is so funny to people, anytime I tell them I say I’m from England they assume London but I’m actually from the northeast).
Where do you work? I work for myself! Making the leap to private practice with the help of incredible mentors is the best decision I ever made. Getting to help clients in a way that feels ethical and responsible on my own terms is incredible-such an honor and a privilege.
What do you enjoy most about what you do?
SO MANY THINGS! I enjoy having long term relationships with clients. Watching clients have “aha” moments in session and working through the hard food stuff makes my heart so full. I enjoy holding space for people to talk about their relationship with food, and connecting with other helping professionals in this community. Connection is a huge value of mine. A wise friend once told me “eating disorders are a disorder of disconnection” and I couldn’t agree more ,which is another of the many reasons why I enjoy supporting people on their journey to a healthy relationship with food.
Why eating disorders treatment? What drives you?
I choose to treat eating disorders for a multitude of reasons: my personal history with disordered eating and dieting, and seeing too many family members, friends, strangers going through their own struggle. I also choose to work in this field because eating disorders are a social justice issues: weight stigma and bias are so prevalent. Underrepresentation of minorities and intersections in eating disorders is real. I want to help change the culture, and support people in all bodies recover from eating disorders.
Who are your favorite social media influencers in the non-diet, recovery, body liberation space?
I have so many favorites, so I will list a few whom I have SO much to learn from, especially when it comes to intersectionality !! @themilitantbaker @virgietovar @thefatsextherapist @Shesallfatpod @the_feeding_of_the_fox @with_this_body @sexstuffwithkristin
What is/are your favorite book/s or resource that have made a difference in the way you work?
My favorite life changing books are the classics: Intuitive Eating, The Intuitive Eating Workbook, Lindo Bacon’s books: Health at Every Size and Body Respect. I have a massive “wish” list that I’m working through 🙂
What is one non-diet, Intuitive Eating, or Health at Every Size® pearl of wisdom you’d like to share?
My ‘pearl of wisdom’ is inspired by the recent push back from the dietetics community about being an anti-diet practitioner: Intuitive Eating AND Health at Every Size are not an option, it’s the only ethical way to practice. It’s respectful and inclusive care, which EVERYbody deserves.
When you know better, do better.
Don’t miss Hannah’s most recent contribution online where US NEWS & World Report quoted her in the article 10 Lessons from Extreme Dieting.
So, the only thing left to do now is go … and follow Hannah on Facebook and Instagram . Stay tuned for our next Members Spotlight!
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