Peacefully Nourished

Peacefully Nourished


Atheana helps women and overwhelmed moms heal their relationships with food and their bodies, so they can confidently nourish themselves and their families with ease, intention and enjoyment.

She specialize in disordered eating, body image, intuitive eating, eating disorders, raising body-positive intuitive eaters and family nutrition. She is a Certified Intuitive Eating Counsellor and Registered Dietitian with over ten years of experience.

  • Located in the Kawartha Lakes, Ontario Canada.
  • Providing virtual services within the province and across some Canadian provinces.
  • Does direct insurance billing
  • Offering day and evening appointments.
  • Collaboration with other allied health providers

Atheana Brown identifies with being:

  • A non-diet Registered Dietitian
  • body and weight inclusive
  • fat positive
  • trauma informed
  • Certified Intuitive Eating Counsellor
  • proud Health At Every Size (HAES®) provider

Her Philosophy to care:

  • Food is so much more than simple nourishment. It is love, emotion and comfort. We turn to it for a variety of reasons.
  • I do not support restrictive diets, food rules or depriving yourself of any foods (unless you're allergic). Research shows restrictions and dieting do not work.
  • I take a HAES® (Health at Every Size) approach which puts the dignity and respect of a person first. Health can be achieved regardless of your body size, without shaming or shrinking the space you take up.
  • I apply evidence-based medical nutrition therapy. Dietitians are the only regulated nutrition professionals in Ontario, so you're in good hands.
  • I practice from a weight-neutral and body-inclusive approach. In my practice, all bodies are worthy, valuable and welcomed.

Main Location

Kawartha Lakes, ON, Canada
Kawartha Lakes, ON, Canada

Contact Information
